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Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has already begun to actively penetrate into various spheres of life, including education. In Kazakhstan, there is also a growing interest in the use of AI in the educational process.

This opens up new opportunities to improve the system and increase the quality of education.

STEM Academia will tell you how this technology is penetrating the educational environment.

How exactly can AI be used in education? For example, in schools, AI can be applied:

– To check homework assignments;

– To manage teachers’ and students’ time;

– For tutoring;

– As a distance learning program with a personalized approach;

– As a language simulator.

A striking example was the Orator Nomad online Kazakh language learning simulator developed by enthusiasts. The service analyzes language learning progress and, with the help of artificial intelligence technologies, forms an individual learning program.

The main task of introducing AI in education will not be to replace teachers, but to relieve them of routine work, which can be transferred to AI and free up time for other priority tasks. Where a teacher spends 5-10 minutes to check the homework of one student, an artificial intelligence will do it in 20-30 seconds. In such a situation, it seems more rational to give such tasks to a machine than to use human intellectual resources.

Technical progress has not bypassed higher education. Work is now underway on the digitalization of universities, the introduction of AI in educational programs and the use of new technologies in the daily routine of educational institutions.

The program is being implemented in such disciplines as data analysis, machine learning and robotics in the country’s leading universities.

To achieve ambitious goals, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan actively cooperates with such technology giants as Google, Coursera, Huawei, Amazon and Nvidia. The use of artificial intelligence in education opens new perspectives for modernizing the educational system and improving its efficiency. Proper implementation and use of these technologies can contribute to the creation of more accessible, flexible and quality education in our country.

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